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Snapper Fish Burritos

Spice up your friday fish night by making these great low fat fish burrito’s (1 burrito and side salad is 5 ww points).


  • .5 lb Snapper (or any white fish) skin removed
  • A little under a ¼ cup of green cabbage
  • A little under a ¼ cup chopped white onion
  • A little under a ¼ cup chopped english cucumber
  • 1.5 tablespoons of lime juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • A low sodium and low calorie salsa
  • A few bits of chopped pineapple (optional)
  • Weight Watcher’s tortilla ( I had one and my husband had 2)


  1. Make the cabbage slaw:  Thinly slice the cabbage, add onion and cucumber; squeeze juice of 1 lime over the top and toss; add salt and pepper to taste; let sit for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Heat a non-stick baking pan over medium heat, add a tiny bit of olive oil if needed. I used my stone wear dish and did not need to use oil.
  3. Add snapper and brown on one side, turn snapper over and put pan in the oven for about 10-15 minutes until snapper is flakey and cooked through.
  4. Flake cooked snapper into a bowl and serve with warmed weight watchers tortillas, cabbage slaw, pineapple bits and salsa.

Other Ideas

Since I only made on burrito and used only half the fish I made a side burrito salad with out the tortilla.

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